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Spare me the ageist bullshit

I am weary weary weary of ageism, from the I’ve fallen and I can’t get up stereotype of the frail, helpless older person to the gee-whiz look at this older person actually doing something stereotype of exceptionalism.

Now comes more ageism coupled with the current let’s find more ways to sow division among ourselves zeitgeist. In addition to (abbreviated list here) race, class, sex, gender identity, religion, geography, how about let’s plant and water and nourish the seeds of a deep generational divide. Yeah, let’s do that.

So, my fellow Democrats, we are hearing this incessant drumbeat: Bernie is supported by the young and not the old. If he wins it will be the triumph of the young people over the old people. The young are progressive and open-minded, and the old are…not.

But WAIT. Bernie is old!

And, hold on there, the older generation (dismissed lately with “Okay, Boomer..”)—tens of millions of women and men born into that generation—were the heart and soul of the many social justice and reform movements of the 60s and 70s: second-wave feminism, reproductive rights, gay rights, Black power/ empowerment, environmental action, student rights, anti-war, free medical clinics, alternative schools. The democratic socialist ideals and principles that Bernie stands for were (and continue to be) embraced by millions in this older generation. Of which he is but one example.

So, please, don’t tell me Millennials have a lock on progressive ideals and policies. Please don’t tell me the older generation is not just frail and feeble and helpless and sexless–but (gasp) conservative as well. Please don’t divide us.

Because you know who will conquer.

Oh, and by the way, as a committed and enthusiastic supporter of Bernie’s ideas, I am a Warren woman. Her politics mirror Bernie’s, but I think she’s smarter and more thoughtful. And she doesn’t constantly stab her finger at you when she talks.


1 Mark Miller { 02.26.20 at 2:44 pm }

Well said. I hope people 50 years younger than me will get out and vote because I agree with the majority of them. And I’d like them to know that.

2 Lauren { 02.26.20 at 3:25 pm }

Yes, Mark. We who believe in social justice, equality, inclusiveness and compassion (and try every day to walk the talk) need to come together across generations, regions, races, gender, etc. and VOTE THAT TOXIC DEMAGOGUE out of office.

3 Camille Cole { 02.26.20 at 3:06 pm }

You’ve articulated my current pet peeve to a word. The very people who purport to disdain prejudice of any sort are guilty as hell, and they don’t even know it. We handed them a healthy world with organic food, one where we fought like crazy to end one of the worst wars ever. Some of us committed class suicide in the process. And by the way, I’m tired of the word Hippies used to describe stupid, dirty people and using it in the same sentence with Charles Manson.
Thank you, Lauren for stating what should have been obvious.

4 Lauren { 02.26.20 at 3:18 pm }

Thanks so much for this, Camille. I too wince at the “hippie” thing. But not as hard as a wince at the “Okay, Boomer” thing. When I think of where we were when I was in my 20s compared to where we are now, I take enormous PRIDE in what we accomplished–and in how we continue to live.

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