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Ode to November 3


I believe:

We are at the beginning of the end of these dark, dark days.

We value honesty, integrity, inclusivity.

We believe in facts.

We know when we are being conned.

We own our mistakes and want to do better.

We care about each other.

We can transform anger into action.

We are learning to speak truth to power.

We know there is much to be done.

We are willing—we are so ready–to do it.


1 Robert Boyce { 10.29.20 at 8:51 pm }

“To every heart, love will come,
But like a refugee.” Leonard Cohen
This quote came to my mind
as all the calm, thoughtful, decent citizens
Vote for Civility.
Thank you.

2 Lauren { 10.30.20 at 1:57 pm }

Who knew that “civility” would be the HIGH bar?

3 John Boswell { 10.29.20 at 9:37 pm }

Amen! Beautifully said.

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