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Joe’s cabinet, sez me

We waited long months for Joe Biden’s VP pick. He had such a talented pool from which to choose.

When he takes office Jan. 20, 2021, he will start selecting his cabinet. And again, he will have an extraordinarily talented pool. Remember when the current resident of the White house proclaimed he had chosen “the best cabinet ever assembled” with “the highest IQ?” (Really? They took IQ tests? Did any involve identifying an elephant?) That patently absurd boast joined so many others. Remember these:

I am the least racist person you will ever meet.

Nobody has more respect for women than I do.

I am more presidential than anyone other than the great Abe Lincoln.

No one has done more for people with disabilities than me.

No one has done so much for equality as I have

On the off-chance that Joe Biden consults with me on his cabinet picks, I will give him this list:

Agriculture, Amy Klobuchar
Commerce, Frank Pallone
Defense, Susan Rice
Education, Michelle Obama
Energy, Jay Inslee
Health and Human Services, Jeff Merkely
Homeland Security, Val Demings
Housing and Urban Development: Julian Castro
Interior, Jennifer Morris
Labor, Bernie Sanders
State: Elizabeth Warren
Transportation, ​​​Darnell Chadwick Grisby
Treasury: Andrew Yang
Veterans Affairs, Tammy Duckworth

How about you? Please comment, add, amend. And, if a name is unfamiliar, check it out. So much talent. So much expertise.


1 Lynn Bregman { 08.12.20 at 11:55 am }

I’d go with Cory Booker for HUD.

2 Lauren { 08.12.20 at 3:57 pm }

I struggled with this one. I was torn between Julian Castro (who served in that position under Obama) and Booker. Booker was so strong during the debates.

3 Marc Seigleman { 08.12.20 at 2:40 pm }

Would like to see Andrew Cuomo
With a role in this administration. Not sure where or whether he would accept

4 Lauren { 08.12.20 at 3:56 pm }

I respect Cuomo a lot, and I thought about where to place him. HUD would make sense, but Castro served in that capacity for Obama, so I chose Castro.

5 Kim { 08.12.20 at 2:57 pm }

A few.people here.im.unfamiliar with but most are familiar. Excellent.pick for state.

6 Lauren { 08.12.20 at 3:55 pm }

I went hunting for expertise, like with the Transportation and Commerce secretaries. I figured wonks were needed there. Check them out. Note inclusion of our Jeff Merkeley (whose credibility was enhanced for this position because his spouse is a nurse).

7 Mark Mill { 08.12.20 at 4:23 pm }

I think it’s important to keep those Democratic Senators in the Senate so I have several differences with your list. Here’s a few of my choice: Attorney General, Sally Yates; Secretary of State, Susan Rice, and Interior, Steve Bullock.

8 Lauren { 08.12.20 at 4:32 pm }

I did think a lot about this, Mark. In the end, I decided the choose those who (to me) had the most expertise, passion, experience. Not that your choices don’t…And Susan Rice is in my cabinet!

9 Jon K { 08.12.20 at 4:28 pm }

Any reason you left off the Department of Justice (Attorney General)? How about Preet Bharara?

10 Lauren { 08.12.20 at 4:33 pm }

Oops. Sure. I’ll forward Joe’s call to you so you can make that case.

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